My granddaughter was thrilled how cute and soft this pj set was!!
Bought this for my daughter who is a tall 11 year old. It fit her perfectly. Colors and pattern very cute! Material is wonderful and good for sleeping in.
exactly as described :)
Very comfortable and cute. In fact bought it in a different color.
I LOVE these pj\'s! These are my go to comfy pj\'s. They are so soft and comfy. The material is perfect for sleeping because they don\'t catch or stick to the sheets, keeps me cool, feels good against the skin, and looks cute enough to wear when my hubby is home. I also use these we I go on girl trips with my friends. Cute, comfy and not frumpy.
These are the softest, most comfortable pajamas I’ve ever owned. They fit perfectly (I ordered my normal size) and I fell in love as soon as I opened the package. I bought the grey and I’d love to get navy blue as well. The only things I don’t like is how clingy and revealing of every lump and bump and roll the shirt is (but people who pay attention to fabric details will expect that I think), and the tag in the shorts is in a stupid place. It tickles and annoys, but not enough to not love these PJs. One be