My daughter wanted us to have a matching PJ set and this was just perfect. She\'s 8 and wears a large in girls so I got her a xs, it fit perfect! I bought myself an xl despite being an xxl normally, the Pajama\'s still fit perfectly just tighter around the butt, which I didn\'t mind and expected.The material is soft and stretchy, and you can\'t beat the adorable print.
I bought as a gift. My granddaughter loves them. No tight fit. Lives in Las Vegas so it\'s pretty warm for many months. Cute. Her name is Katie so Kittie Katie has Kute pj\'s.
Super soft. Love this even though the shorts give you dumpy butt. I\'ll be ordering a size down next time.
I purchase this for myself. It fits great and the material is soft to the touch and doesn’t feel itch or crawl up your body. I would purchase again